Episode 33


What does it mean to be an Indonesian woman living in Norway? Listen to Kirana (alias) share her experiences of being othered in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, and her stories of gaining child custody as a young single mother in a system stacked against her as a foreigner.

Transcripts of episode:

ENG / FR / DE / IT

Recommended sources:

On racism in Norway (in Norwegian)

NRK TV, Tema - Rasisme, 2022. [a compilation of videos on various forms of racism in Norway with a focus on intersectionality]

Adan Tassamma & Kristina Kassab Liland, “Måtte endra namn for å få leilegheit”, NRK, October 20, 2022. [an article expressing the experiences of racism people of Polish backgrounds go through in Norway]

Julia Kirseborn Thommessen & Snorre Tønset, “Bernt Hulsker dømmes til betinget fengsel for hatefulle ytringer,” NRK, October 13, 2022. [an article about a former retired Norwegian football player charged of hate speech]

Kristine Sandnes & Asbjørn Odd Berge, “Hetses for bunadsbilde: «I hvilken dyrehage har du funnet apene?»”, NRK, August 5, 2022. [an article outlining racism aimed at a Black Norwegian artist’s family when he shared a family photo on social media]

Trygve Grønning, “Elle anmeldte samehets: Bekymret for at samer føler politiet ikke tar dem på alvor,” NRK, June 29, 2022. [an article on institutional discrimination against the Sami community in Norway]

Kari Hegstad, “Mye av mangfoldsfokuset bygger på et ønske om å se bra ut fra utsiden,” Advokatbladet, June 9, 2022. [an article outlining racism a deputy attorney experienced during a job interview]

Morgane Fauconnier, “Åpner opp om utfordringene ved å være flerkulturell journalist: – Har mistet folk jeg er glad i på bakgrunn av det jeg har skrevet,” Journalisten, April 5, 2022. [an article on what it means to be multicultural journalists representing minorities’ voices in Norway]

Rike Lillelien, Håkon Bjørngård, Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll, “Opplever økt rasisme under koronaen: «Ser man like bra med skjeve øyne?»,” NRK, March 29, 2022. [an article about additional racism a Norwegian DJ of Vietnamese descent, Kim Thanh Ngo, experienced during Covid]

Xueqi Pang, “Debatten om «Japanese Ramm Show» gir meg déjà vu,” VG, July 30, 2021. [an article about a show that plays upon and perpetuates Asian stereotypes]

On racism and identity in Norway (in Norwegian)

Frida Wattne Lindland, “Jeg er norsk og jødisk, og det går veldig fint an å være begge deler på en bande!” P3 NRK, November 12, 2022. [an article on what it means to be Norwegian and Jewish in Norway]

Sofia Storhaug, “En naturlig del av folket, “ NRK, January 17, 2022. [an article about what it means to be Norwegian with mixed backgrounds in Norway]

Mala Naveen, Norsk Nok, 2022. [a book that explores what it means to be “Norwegian” through personal stories and reflections]

Det humanistiske fakultet UiO, Potet eller kebab – hvem snakker norskest i landet her? | Demokratidagene, 2022. [a discussion around language and identity in Norway]

Anne Lindmo, “Samtale med Fredrik Solvang,” NRK, September 17, 2021. [an interview with Fredrik Solvang, a Norwegian journalist, about growing up as an adopted child from South Korea in Norway]


Pellegrino Riccardi, “Parenting and cultural differences,” August 23, 2019. [an article about parenting in Norway from an Italian perspective]

Alicia Keys, A Beautiful Noise, 2020. [one of the songs Kirana listens to in her lows that uplifts her]


Episode 34


Episode 32